Love is unceasing thirst to unite with one s beloved. Love is constant remembrance. – Sw. Satyananda
Celerbites (fasting on the water)
400 rsd / 3 dl
Ingredients : Pineapple, celery, parsley, barley grass, lemon, ginger, banana, apple juice.
Dates plus (fasting, gluten-free)
300 rsd / 3 dl
Ingredients: date, almond, jazzazoga chickpea protein, cold-pressed coconut oil, organic Ceylon cinnamon.
Kiki (fasting on water, gluten-free)
300 rsd / 3 dl
Ingredients: cashews, dates, jazzazoga, peanut butter, ashwagandha, turmeric, ginger.
Freddo (fasting on water, gluten-free)
300 rsd / 3 dl
Ingredients : date, coffee, cocoa, hazelnut, chia seeds.
White coffee (fasting on water, gluten-free)
400 rsd / 3 dl
Ingredients: banana, espresso, jazzayoga almond butter, jazzayoga protein chickpeas.
250 RSD / 3 dl
of two or three fruits: carrots, apples, beets
Addition to juices:
Jazzazoga Cold-pressed pumpkin seeds oil 5ml – 50 RSD
ginger 20 g